full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Mohammad Modarres: Why you should shop at your local farmers market

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Produce from a lgare retail store is hsvetraed before it's ripe to travel more than a thousand miels before it ultimately sits on your shelf roughly two weeks later. Alternatively, because most farmers markets have proximity and production requirements, farmers travel less than 50 miles to offer you local pruocde with minimal packaging waste. With the aendvt of online grocers and trending meal kits, consumers are irsagennlicy disconnected with their farmers and the economics of food production. Since the rise of the smartphone revolution, direct-to-consumer godos have stagnated.

Open Cloze

Produce from a _____ retail store is _________ before it's ripe to travel more than a thousand _____ before it ultimately sits on your shelf roughly two weeks later. Alternatively, because most farmers markets have proximity and production requirements, farmers travel less than 50 miles to offer you local _______ with minimal packaging waste. With the ______ of online grocers and trending meal kits, consumers are ____________ disconnected with their farmers and the economics of food production. Since the rise of the smartphone revolution, direct-to-consumer _____ have stagnated.


  1. large
  2. harvested
  3. miles
  4. advent
  5. goods
  6. increasingly
  7. produce

Original Text

Produce from a large retail store is harvested before it's ripe to travel more than a thousand miles before it ultimately sits on your shelf roughly two weeks later. Alternatively, because most farmers markets have proximity and production requirements, farmers travel less than 50 miles to offer you local produce with minimal packaging waste. With the advent of online grocers and trending meal kits, consumers are increasingly disconnected with their farmers and the economics of food production. Since the rise of the smartphone revolution, direct-to-consumer goods have stagnated.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
farmers markets 5
local farmers 3
food supply 2
big ag 2
farmers market 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
local farmers markets 3

Important Words

  1. advent
  2. alternatively
  3. consumers
  4. disconnected
  5. economics
  6. farmers
  7. food
  8. goods
  9. grocers
  10. harvested
  11. increasingly
  12. kits
  13. large
  14. local
  15. markets
  16. meal
  17. miles
  18. minimal
  19. offer
  20. online
  21. packaging
  22. produce
  23. production
  24. proximity
  25. requirements
  26. retail
  27. revolution
  28. ripe
  29. rise
  30. roughly
  31. shelf
  32. sits
  33. smartphone
  34. stagnated
  35. store
  36. thousand
  37. travel
  38. trending
  39. ultimately
  40. waste
  41. weeks